Thank you to everyone who participated in the first Stem Cell Charter Sign&Share Rally. We've seen a great increase in the number of signatures, and much more activity on our social media pages. More importantly, we've seen how creative and passionate you can be in sharing the word about the Charter. From videos and blog posts to online and offline events, your actions have helped spread the word about stem cell research.
We'd like to make special mention of our Rally Captains. These 16 individuals were instrumental in organizing events and providing leadership before and during the Rally:
Ali Morrow
Angela McDonald
Beth Hampson
Colin Baril
David Kent
David Lee
Debra Sharp
Erika Murray
Ijeoma Ross
Jennifer Molson
Julia DiLabio
Marjorie Bowman
Mitchell Beer
Natalie Farra
Travis Allison
Will Wang
Thank you again to our Captains and to everyone who participated!
We'd like to make special mention of our Rally Captains. These 16 individuals were instrumental in organizing events and providing leadership before and during the Rally:
Ali Morrow
Angela McDonald
Beth Hampson
Colin Baril
David Kent
David Lee
Debra Sharp
Erika Murray
Ijeoma Ross
Jennifer Molson
Julia DiLabio
Marjorie Bowman
Mitchell Beer
Natalie Farra
Travis Allison
Will Wang
Thank you again to our Captains and to everyone who participated!
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